Hotel Mayur Front View from the mall road with 19 rooms

Reservation Policy

Hotel Mayur Front View from the mall road with 19 rooms

The page lays down the Reservation and Cancellation Policy followed by The Hotel Mayur.

Reservation Policy

  • The standard check-in time is 12:00 PM and the standard check-out time is 10:00 AM. Early or late check-out is strictly subject to availability and may be chargeable by the hotel. Any early check-in or late check-out request must be directed and reconfirmed with the hotel directly.
  • If our Check-In/Out timing does not suit your holiday program, kindly inform us. Necessary room allotments can be arranged on prior information, subject to availability, and may be chargeable by us directly.
  • Cancellation or Alteration in bookings is entertained. But prior information is required at least a week before your Check-In date. Kindly also refer to our Reservation/Cancellation or Amendment Policy.
  • Please carry a valid government-issued photo identity and address proof with you for the Check-In Procedure. A PAN Card is not accepted as a valid Identity Card.
  • The Credit/Debit Card Holder should be one of the travellers if you have booked with us using any of the latter.
  • We reserve the right to cancel or modify reservations where it appears that a customer has engaged in fraudulent or inappropriate activity or under other circumstances where it appears that the reservation contains or resulted from a mistake or error.
  • We may charge compulsory gala dinner supplements on Christmas / New Year’s events or other festive periods. They need to be cleared separately.
  • Breakfast timings are 7:30 – 10:30 am henceforth all requests will be chargeable.

Cancellation Policy

  • In case of a no-show or after scheduled check-in: No refund.
  • If the Booking is cancelled 72 hours prior to the check-in: Full refund.
  • If the booking is cancelled 72 hours prior to the check-in: One-night charge.
  • Any refund will take at least 15 days to process.

Note: Above are the cancellation rules but we will put our best possible efforts to waive/minimize the cancellation charges.

For any clarifications or details, please reach out to us at or visit here.